Entries by Whibbs Stone Barnett Turner, PA

Claims for Toxic Exposure at Work

If your job entails working with hazardous chemicals, then you’re probably aware of the risks and the need to exercise caution in your work. However, you may be exposed to chemicals without even realizing it. If you become injured or ill as the result of exposure to dangerous chemicals or compounds at work, you may […]

Why Semi-Trucks Jackknife

Large commercial trucks, including big rigs, semis, and tractor-trailers, require a great deal of skill and care to drive safely. When these large vehicles lose control on the road, their massive size can cause tremendous damage. One example of a catastrophic loss of control is when trucks jackknife. Read on to learn about why jackknifing […]

Increase in Roadway Fatalities for Another Straight Year

According to data recently released by the nonprofit research group National Safety Council (NSC), the number of fatalities on US roads climbed once again in 2016. One of the factors in this rise is an uptick in fatal car accidents caused by intoxicated drivers. In an effort to get drunk driving under control, the National […]

Three Leading Causes of Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents may not happen often, but they do play a big role in the number of fatalities on US roads. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), rollover accidents are one of the deadliest forms of car accident. Rollover crashes constitute about 3% of all motor vehicle accidents each year, per the […]

New Guidelines Proposed to Keep Drivers Safe from Distraction

The prevalence of serious accidents caused by distracted drivers continues to rise, despite widespread public understanding of the seriousness of the issue and increasingly stiff penalties in states across the country for violations of laws barring distracted driving. In order to address this growing issue, federal roadway safety legislators have written guidelines for mobile phone […]