
Obtaining Fair Compensation After a Disfigurement Injury

Many accident victims recover completely following an accident, even if they may go through a prolonged period of pain and suffering. Unfortunately, some victims have to live with the marks of their accidents forever.

Disfigurement injuries deeply and persistently alter a person’s physical appearance. They can become a perennial source of emotional distress and even physical pain.

Sometimes it could even keep you from obtaining gainful work. With help from leading personal injury attorneys in Florida, you can fight for your rights and obtain the financial compensation you deserve from the at-fault parties.

What Defines a Disfigurement Injury in Florida?

Disfigurement injuries affect a person’s external physical appearance. They are significant in nature and may require extensive medical treatment and rehab, or even mental health counseling.

In most cases, the victim suffers long-term emotional distress that affects the quality of their life. Some victims may suffer from loss of self-confidence and self-esteem because of their changed appearance and the pain associated with the injury.

Injuries that result in permanent disfigurement are categorized as serious bodily injury in Florida. This includes burns, abrasions, scars, facial injuries, and nerve damage, among other injuries that may leave lasting physical distortion, scars, or other visible damage. All these injuries and their potential fallout on your life will be taken into consideration when determining the amount of damages owed to you.

There are certain emotional issues that a victim may suffer following a disfigurement or personal injury. This includes negative body image, depression, and concerns regarding how others will react to their changed appearance. Disfigurement often affects personal relationships with loved ones and friends as well as colleagues and potential employers.

Common Injuries Leading to Disfigurement

A wide range of accidents can cause disfigurement injuries, such as work injuries, car crashes, and the use of defective products. Certain accidents may result in disfigurement and scarring including:

  • Deep lacerations
  • Burns
  • Bone fractures
  • Amputations

Long-Term Medical Expenses for Recovery

Disfigurement-related personal injuries may have a dramatic adverse impact on your life. Such injuries typically require lengthy medical treatment and appropriate at-home care or rehab. They usually cause ongoing emotional and physical issues. Costly care is often required for:

  • Hospitalization
  • Surgery
  • Rehabilitation
  • Medical equipment
  • Medication
  • Home and vehicle modifications
  • Psychological counseling

Most of these costs are ongoing. This means that victims and their families require ongoing compensation for ensuring that all these needs are met. Things can get particularly difficult if the injuries prevent you from working in the same manner as you did before the accident.

Resuming Work Following a Disfigurement Injury

The goal of most accident victims is to get back to work and a normal life. In relation to this, this may not be possible for victims with a disfigurement injury.

For instance, leg amputees may not be able to resume their role as store managers even after they make a full recovery since the job involves long periods of standing.

This can potentially limit your earning abilities in the immediate future and later on. Florida law allows victims to hold the person responsible for the accident to provide compensation for their loss.

Financial Damages for a Disfigurement Injury in Florida

You may be entitled to damages if you sustain scarring or permanent disfigurement because of someone else’s negligence. The compensation amount depends on the body part that is disfigured or scarred, the impact on your quality of life, and the severity of the injury.

A skilled attorney may improve the likelihood of obtaining compensation for the following:

Medical expenses

Current and future medical expenses can prove to be a significant financial burden. You may require ongoing treatment for any physical discomfort caused by the disfigurement. This includes occupational or physical therapy, and surgical procedures, such as skin grafting.

Compensation following a disfiguring injury is to help victims procure all those services that can help them resume a regular life. Your attorney will present necessary evidence for seeking damages that cover the medical costs of treating your injuries. This will also include the cost of covering psychologists to help you cope with the emotional trauma.

Lost wages

Lost wages include compensation for the number of days you are unable to work along with future loss of earning capacity. You may become eligible for regular payments that will replace a part of the lost wages. A skilled personal injury attorney will use the help of economists and other experts to identify the amount lost as income if you are a self-employed individual.

Pain and suffering

Lifelong mental anguish and emotional distress are covered under pain and suffering damages. These damages are calculated on the basis of the aggravation of any pre-existing conditions, the extent of injury, and not being able to perform daily activities.

Pain and suffering involve compensation for invisible wounds or injuries that are intangible in nature. Pain and suffering can include both physical and emotional trauma related to disfigurement.

Disfiguring injuries and scars often leave accident victims with painful and often lasting reminders of the accident. Negligent parties that were responsible for the injuries should be held responsible. You may be able to obtain compensation for your injuries to recover as completely as possible.

Seek Legal Support from a Compassionate Personal Injury Attorney in Florida

The personal injury attorneys at Whibbs Stone Barnett, P.A. understand the catastrophic consequences of a disfigurement injury for the victims. This is why we go above and beyond to fight on behalf of our clients and get them the maximum possible financial compensation for their losses and injuries.

To schedule your free consultation, call us at 850-409-6328 or fill out this online contact form.